Jaewon Hwang, Ph.D.
Staff Scientist
Section on Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
Laboratory of Neuropsychology, NIMH / NIH
E-mail: jaewon dot hwang at nih dot gov
2004-2011 | Ph.D. | Brain & Cognitive Science | University of Rochester |
2002-2004 | M.S. | Neuroscience | Seoul National University |
1998-2002 | 1st Lieut. | Military service | Korea Air Force |
1994-1998 | B.A. | Psychology | Seoul National University |
Work Experience
2015- | Staff Scientist | Laboratory of Neuropsychology | National Institute of Mental Health |
2012-2014 | Post-doc | Stuphorn Lab | Johns Hopkins University |
2006-2011 | Graduate | Romanski Lab | University of Rochester |
2004-2006 | Graduate | Lee Lab | University of Rochester |
2002-2004 | Graduate | Eye Movement & Vision Lab | Seoul National University |
1996-1998 | R.A. | Eye Movement & Vision Lab | Seoul National University |
Hwang J, Mitz AR, Murray EA (2019) NIMH MonkeyLogic: Behavioral control and data acquisition in MATLAB. J Neurosci Methods 323:13-21.
Plakke B, Hwang J, Romanski LM (2015) Inactivation of Primate Prefrontal Cortex Impairs Auditory and Audiovisual Working Memory. J Neurosci 35:9666-9675.
Hwang J, Romanski LM (2015) Prefrontal Neuronal Responses during Audiovisual Mnemonic Processing. J Neurosci 35:960-971.
Romanski LM, Hwang J (2012) Timing of audiovisual inputs to the prefrontal cortex and multisensory integration. Neuroscience 214:36-48.
Kim S, Cai X, Hwang J, Lee D (2012) Prefrontal and striatal activity related to values of objects and locations. Front Neurosci 6:108.
Kim S, Hwang J, Seo H, Lee D (2009) Valuation of uncertain and delayed rewards in primate prefrontal cortex. Neural Netw 22:294-304.
Hwang J, Kim S, Lee D (2009) Temporal discounting and inter-temporal choice in rhesus monkeys. Front Behav Neurosci 3:9.
Kim S, Hwang J, Lee D (2008) Prefrontal coding of temporally discounted values during intertemporal choice. Neuron 59:161-172.
Abstracts / Presentations
Hwang J, Noble PL, Murray EA (2018) Orbitofrontal cortex lesions disrupt anticipatory autonomic responses to reward magnitude in macaque monkeys. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract 325.01.
Hwang J, Mitz AR, Murray EA (2017) NIMH MonkeyLogic2: Open source experimental control and data acquisition. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract 532.07.
Rahimi-Moghaddam T, Hwang J, Emeric EE, Stuphorn V (2017) Modeling of preference reversal in a temptation task. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract 249.01.
Murray EA, Hwang J, Noble PL (2017) Pupil responses during appetitive Pavlovian learning in monkeys with orbitofrontal cortex lesions. The 47th Meeting of the European Brain Behaviour Socieity.
Hwang J, Noble PL, Murray EA (2016) Autonomic responses during appetitive Pavlovian learning in monkeys with orbitofrontal cortex lesions. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract 70.21.
Hwang J, Emeric EE, Stuphorn V (2014) Self-control Signals in the Supplementary Eye Field of Monkeys during a Temptation Task. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract 651.29.
Hwang J, Stuphorn V (2013) Value Representation of Delayed and Probabilistic Rewards in the Supplementary Eye Field of Monkeys. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract 668.14.
Hwang J, Romanski LM (2011) Temporal integration of faces and vocalizations in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex of non-human primates. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract 692.04.
Hwang J, Romanski LM “Cross-modal context-sensitive responses to combined face-vocalization stimuli in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex of non-human primates“, Tucker-Davis Symposium on Advances and Perspectives in Auditory Neurophysiology (APAN), Washington, DC, Nov 11, 2011.
Hwang J, Romanski LM (2010) Effects of face and motion stimuli on auditory processing in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract 507.16.
Hwang J, Romanski LM (2009) Comparison of face and non-face stimuli in an audio-visual discrimination task. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract 578.5.
Hwang J, Diltz MD, Romanski LM (2008) Encoding of correct and incorrect responses by ventral prefrontal cortex neurons in an audio-visual discrimination task. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract 691.27.
Hwang J, Diehl MM, Diltz MD, Knoedl DJ, Romanski LM (2007) Neuronal responses to incongruent face-vocalization stimuli during an audiovisual non-match to sample task in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex of the primate. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract 620.16.
Hwang J, Kim S, Lee D (2006) Neuronal signals related to the delayed reward and its discounted value in the macaque dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract 71.7.
Hwang J, Lee D (2006) Activity in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex of Macaques during an Inter-temporal Choice Task. Computational and Systems Neuroscience, Abstract 83.
Hwang J, Lee D (2005) Temporal Discounting in Monkeys during an Inter-temporal Choice Task. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract 891.12.
Hwang J, Lee C (2004) Post-saccadic orientation selectivity of neurons in the cat visual cortex. Society for Neuroscience, Abstract 986.5.