Many neurophysiology labs useĀ Plexon and TDT. They both are pretty good recording systems, but, for offline spike sorting, somehow people tend to prefer Plexon’s software. Obviously Plexon’s offline sorter does not support TTank, so there is no way to use it, if the raw data was recorded with TDT. This little software I made, TDT2PLX, converts TTank blocks to PLX files so that you can do sorting TDT data with Plexon’s offline sorter. You can also copy the new sortcodes back from PLX to TTank with SortcodeCopy, another utility included. These programs require Visual C++ Redistributable Package for Visual Studio 2013 (vcredist_x86.exe), if it is not already installed on your computer.
TDT-to-Plexon converter, TDT2PLX
Posted on Jun 16, 2013