Entries tagged Visual Studio

How to convert BSTR to LPCTSTR

Posted on May 31, 2009

I’ve had to deal with a pointer of a BSTR string returned to an event handler of an ActiveX control. I wanted to convert it to LPCTSTR, and a simple implicit type-casting worked seamlessly when I tried in a test project.

void put_UseServer(LPCTSTR newValue);

void ServerChanged(BSTR* NewServer)
	put_UseServer(*NewServer); // This conversion works only in Unicode Character Set

However, when I copied the same code into my actual project, it caused an error. The reason was that my project used the Multi-byte Character Set whereas I tested the code in the Unicode Character Set. The simplest solution I found which also works in the Multi-byte Character set is like the following.

void put_UseServer(LPCTSTR newValue);

void ServerChanged(BSTR* NewServer)
	put_UseServer(COLE2CT(*NewServer)); // Use ATL String Conversion Class

More information about ATL and MFC String Conversion is on the MSDN website.

Some VS2005 and VS2008 wizards pop up script error after installing IE8

Posted on May 30, 2009

I experienced this trouble when I tried to add a variable with a wizard in Visual Studio 2008. I never suspected IE8, but MS disappointed me again. Anyway, here is a workaround posted in Visual C++ Team Blog and it seems to work. For the details, click HERE

Please follow the following steps:

– Open regedit (on a 64-bit OS, open the 32-bit regedit)

– Under “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones“, create a new key called 1000 (if it isn’t already there)

– Under 1000, create a DWORD entry with:
o Name = 1207
o Type = REG_DWORD
o Data = 0x000000

For the workaround to work on VS2005, however, the VS2005 SP1 (and VS2005 SP1 Update for Windows Vista) has to be installed.