Entries tagged Linux

Wubi fails to boot after upgrade

Posted on Dec 18, 2010

If Wubi fails to reboot after upgrade, try the following things.

If the system hangs at a grub prompt, then first try to replace the c:\wubildr file with the one in c:\ubuntu\winboot\wubildr (change ‘drive’ if necessary and backup c:\wubildr first as a precaution). It appears that in many cases the upgrade is corrupting the wubildr file.

If the system fails to boot, especially with an error message,
file not found ‘loadfont’
unknown command

, then boot with a live CD, loop mount the wubi root.disk, edit the grub.cfg and remove all lines above the first “menuentry”.

Preventing the grub packages from being updated can be a permanent solution for this problem. Lock the version of the packages, grub-pc and grub-common in Synaptic Package Manager.

How to add MATLAB to the GNOME menu

Posted on Sep 21, 2010

For the installation instruction of MATLAB, refer to the following document.


To add MATLAB to the GNOME menu,

1. Get an icon:

sudo wget http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/21/Matlab_Logo.png -O /usr/share/icons/matlab.png

2. Get the launcher file:

sudo wget 'https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=matlab-r2010a.desktop' -O /usr/share/applications/matlab.desktop

3. Edit the launcher file:

sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/matlab.desktop &

The contents of the launcher file (“matlab.desktop”) should be similar to what is written below. Modify ‘Name‘, ‘Exec‘, and ‘Categories‘ fields according to your configuration. Don’t forget to put ‘-desktop‘ at the end of the ‘Exec‘. Otherwise, MATLAB will show the splash screen, but will not start.

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Name=MATLAB R2010b
Comment=Start MATLAB - The Language of Technical Computing
Exec=/usr/local/MATLAB/R2010b/bin/matlab -desktop

FYI. The ‘-desktop‘ option may not be necessary when MATLAB is executed from the command line.

Remote desktop connection in Linux: NX Server

Posted on Aug 13, 2010

My office computer was just an old Windows box which was getting slow due to the resource-devouring vaccine software. I decided to install Ubuntu (9.10, Karmic Koala) on it in order to use its computing power more efficiently. It was done quite nicely. I could run FireFox, Thunderbird and most of my favorite software as I used them on Windows just with the faster speed. The thing I wanted next was a substitute for Windows terminal service, aka, Remote Desktop Connection, since most of the time I logged on the machine remotely.

There are several implementations of VNC and RDP available for that purpose. I tested a couple of them myself, but the user experience they provided was not very satisfying to me, not to mention their slow speed. Then, I found FreeNX server1 which is a GPL implementation of NoMachine’s NX Server. It worked just like a charm. Fast and neat. It was exactly what I wanted, and I loved it.
